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Joys and Challenges

6th September 2023

Dear friends,

Building work has begun on the new church kitchen and progress is already swift. We are thankful for how God is leading us and equipping us to be a blessing to the wider community.

I am excited that this month we are looking at various areas of social justice during the Sunday services. Through this process I personally am being stretched as I learn more about different topics.

Our baptism service at the end of August really was one to remember – how wonderful to witness God at work so beautifully.

Alongside the joys we celebrate, there are also significant challenges here at PBC. In particular we gather around the Hill family as they grapple with the reality of Alistair’s diagnosis. On Friday 29thSeptember we come together for a day of prayer and fasting for them, with an evening of prayer and praise at church. Following this we have a church breakfast together at the Black Horse the morning after – everyone is welcome, tickets are £10.

Alpha starts on Thursday 21st September and I encourage us all to invite friends, colleagues and neighbours.

With the new term I pray we may all know the Holy Spirit powerfully at work in our lives.

God bless
