Deeper - Sundays from 10.00am
Deeper is a Sunday small group for 11+ youth all about going deeper with our relationships with God and going deeper into the Bible. It's all about growing our faith, exploring the Bible and seeing how relevant it is to our lives today while having a bit of fun. It's about deepening our relationships not only with God but also with each other. It's about our lives having deeper meaning. It's all about going deeper.
We meet on Sunday mornings. We start off in the service with the rest of the church, do a bit of worship with them, and then we go and do our own thing in the Youth Hut round the back of the church. Deeper runs on Sundays during term time. During school holidays Nich our Youth and Children's worker creates packs of bible reading notes for the young people.
Fridays 4pm-6pm in term time.
Blend, is our pop-up youth activities cafe (for school years 7-10) every Friday 4-6pm term time in the Youth Hut. Come along for Games, Xbox, Tuck shop and much more.
Thursday Evening Bible Study. Every other Thursday 5.15-6-15pm
For school years 6-10. A Bible study group where we look at topics the young people have picked. We share ideas, play games and have snacks.