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Healing miracle caught on camera

19th April 2024

In September 2019 I had the privilege of joining a team visiting Brazil with American healing evangelist Randy Clark and Global Awakening. For me it was an utterly life-changing time as I encountered God so powerfully there (as some will remember). We also saw many remarkable healings and miracles take place. 
If you have 8 minutes spare I encourage you to watch this astounding video from a similar trip in 2016. Anna is actively being healed by God - she’d not been able to bend her knee for 3 years and 5 months after an accident and could not walk without crutches. Her doctor had told her she would have to have the leg amputated if nothing changed. You will see her bending her knee, walking, jumping and running which had been previously impossible.
'Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever' (Hebrews 13:8)
God bless