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Weathering the Storm

15th March 2024

Spring is coming but…We’ve had a lot of rain recently and in some places there has been flooding. The other day in my marathon training I went for a run alongside the river Medway and ended up going through muddy puddles (Peppa Pig would have loved it).

Jesus told a story about the rain coming down, the streams rising and the wind blowing – can we relate to that I wonder? He tells of two builders who had built their houses, but only one house withstood the storm – the one built on the rock.

He says if we put his words into practice (being not just hearers but doers of his words) we’re like the wise man who built his house on the rock. He  didn’t  say that if we put his words into practice, then we’ll avoid the storm altogether and life will be a breeze.

Recently we held a Day of Prayer for Breakthrough, an opportunity to fast and pray together. This was partly a response to the challenging season we’ve sensed ourselves in. We will weather storms such as these more successfully if we’ve put Jesus’ words into practice.

Yours in Him,
